International Instructors Program
International Affiliation
Joe Lok
Natural Energy Academy
Private one-to-one tuition online classes are offered with many successful qualifications as Instructors of qigong and tai chi from my precise teaching from online courses.
If you are interested please message me at joelokacademy@gmial.com for details.
Master Joe Lok’s Natural Energy Academy is pleased to offer a variety of learning methods for interested students, practitioners and organisations worldwide. The prime aim of our International Instructors Program is to promote health and healing through the practice of Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong. This program encourages health benefits of all.
The Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong system was created to
lessen the suffering from chronic illness due to blockages in the body;
to reduce the weakening of the organ functions;
to decrease misalignment of joints;
to ease compressed nerves and muscles;
and to lighten mental and emotional stress.
The Phoenix system, when regularly practiced, can help alleviate the dependence on unnecessary medicatiion
The Phoenix system provides a methodology for going as deeply as a practitioner wishes. We understand that each student is unique, with different needs and different learning styles. We therefore offer several ways to approach the practice:
1. Natural Energy Academy, Hong Kong: If you are located in or coming to Hong Kong, personal or group training sessions are available. Please contact us for additional information.
2.The book “Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing” provides both a basic knowledge of qigong as well as the deepest secrets in the internal energy practice, with precise indication to the command of movements and Master Lok’s inner thoughts. However, for beginner students, or those who prefer a more casual practice of the Phoenix Qigong form, without delving into the theories and reasoning behind qigong movements, the reading of this book could be rather demanding.
3. Phoenix in Graceful Clouds DVD: A complement to learn the Phoenix Qigong form is the Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing DVD which outlines how the qigong movements can be performed in a continuous and graceful manner for daily routine practice. Daily practice provides much enjoyment and health benefits. The form is designed to activate energy flow, which becomes quite eminent once the practitioner reaches a certain level.
4. Affiliate Instructors: There are affiliate instructors in the UK, USA and Australia who we are pleased to recommend for learning at a closer touch. Master Lok also teaches international workshops with affiliates.
5. Online Learning: We also offer online learning directly from Joe Lok. Our online learning program is a one-to-one tuition-based program which is usually run specifically according to different experience and level. Online learning is subject to advance arrangement. Please do contact us for additional information and scheduling.
Please note that the above methods can also be combined. For example, a student could begin by attending a workshop at an affiliate. Should the student wish to pursue further, practice can be done by utilizing the DVD. Then perhaps later, the book or online trainings might be in order. The practitioner decides how deep he or she would care to go.
Grading and Organisational Affiliation
Grades and levels
1. Practitioner – To qualify as a Practitioner, one must be able to command the Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong practice form confidently.
2. Senior Practitioner – To qualify as Senior Practitioner, one must be able to command the Phoenix Qigong form in proper posture, steps and complete relaxation.
3. Instructor – Instructors must be able to comprehend both the exercise of internal energy and the meaning behind the energy flow. Further, an Instructor grade must have a group of students following the practice of the Phoenix Qigong to demonstrate the ability of instructing.
4. Senior Instructor – The Senior Instructor must have proven records of training through a school affiliated with Natural Energy Academy of Joe Lok.
5. Healer – This is an alternative to the instructor or senior instructor grades for those who have no interest in teaching but would rather directly involve in healing treatments through personal accomplishment gathered from the practice of Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong. A Healer must have basic knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine understanding the operation of the 12 meridians and 8 channels, major blockages and corresponding healing via the command of energy externally.
5. Senior Healer – A Senior Healer must have proven records of healing via the command of energy externally.
A wish from Master Lok: “Surely, it would be very much appreciated that practitioners go with instructing and healing alongside each other. Instructing and healing are complimentary. Each will bring health and happiness to many, but both together will only increase benefits for all.”
Grading procedure and timing
The next Grading sessions will be conducted during the upcoming UK & Ireland Tour of Workshops by Master Lok in September 2016. Practitioners up to Instructor Grade are welcome to contact organisers as listed in the event section of this site and public notices for enrolment.
For the grading of practitioners and senior practitioners online, performance videos can be sent to the attention of Master Lok for evaluation.
Or at the end of an online learning course a Certificate of Achievement will be issued to the practitioner as an honour of the graduation. After a short practice course, everyone does uplift body and mind, as well as gaining internal accomplishment, and the ability to command the Phoenix Qigong form gracefully.
For Instructors and Senior Instructors, the grading must be conducted in person, either during Master Lok's presence in the course of his tours worldwide, or in the Grading and Intensive Training Camp being held annually around Chinese New Year Holidays (February) in Hong Kong.
Should your organization or studio be interested in becoming an Instructor, please don’t hesitate to contact us.